Open vacancies
as soon as we realise that we need a new specialist, we immediately start looking for him

There are currently no vacancies in the Company. But this does not mean that you have to leave our site. As we start opening new directions and projects, we will need specialists in various spheres related to information technology. Send your resume to and we will add it to our database.

Internships and training
we have vast experience and are ready to share it.

We have opened a recruitment of students from specialized universities for internships and practical training in their specialty. The internship will complement your theoretical skills acquired during the training process with the necessary practice.

By becoming a participant in the internship, you will be able to:

Listen to a course of lectures from specialists in the field of information security. Depending on the epidemiological situation – remotely or in a classroom. Our partner – the security organization AN-Security, kindly provides modern classrooms.

Get practical skills through specially prepared trainings.

Submit your proposals and participate in the competition.

Applicants must possess:

  • Basic knowledge of information technology. Information security skills are encouraged.
  • Ability and desire to independently study the basics and current trends in information security.
  • For internship and practice, contact us via
Send a resume

Upload your resume, and in the description to it tell us why you are the one we need.